Who Can Benefit
Our Equine Assisted Services can positively impact depression, anxiety, ADD/ADHD, grief/loss/divorce, abandonment, family of origin issues, and stress resulting from physical or sexual abuse or combat-related trauma. Individuals growing through a life or family transition – death, divorce, blending families, relocation – also benefit from our support. Many of our clients courageously face these issues within our program; an equal number choose to engage in our program simply for self-improvement and the joy of connection with our horses.
Our services benefit everyone from individuals presenting with clinically diagnosed disorders to people who have no diagnosable problem, but feel within themselves an interest in growth and change. Our programs are open to all children, adults and families who are interested in becoming happier, healthier and more aware in their lives and relationships.
Equine Assisted Psychotherapy & Learning can positively impact:
For more information email us Lissa@flyingchange.org
Self-esteem and confidence
Anger and anxiety management
Relationship building skills
Teamwork and cooperation
Leadership skills
Successful planning and completion of tasks
Increased self-discipline and responsibility
Empathy and respect for others